20 Mule Expresso Cafe, 13005 Claymine Road, North Edwards, CA, 93523-3405, religious organizations

U.S Religious Organizations California Religious Organizations California - List of United States Religious & Business Organizations

20 Mule Expresso Cafe

Company Name: 20 Mule Expresso Cafe
Status: This location has Closed
State: California
Post: 93523-3405
County: Kern
City: North Edwards
Address: 13005 Claymine Road
Phone: (760)769-4000
Fax: (760)769-4000
Email: unknown
Contact Religious Leader: Arvil D Nichols
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 8661 Industry group: Membership Organizations, Business category: Religious Organizations
Employees: 2
Overall: 20 Mule Expresso Cafe is a business categorized under religious organizations, which is part of the larger category membership organizations. 20 Mule Expresso Cafe is located at the address 13005 Claymine Road in North Edwards, California 93523-3405. The Religious Leader is Arvil D Nichols who can be contacted at (760)769-4000.
Description: Mexican | Breakfast & Brunch | American (Traditional), Religious Organizations
In summary:
  • Good food and good service.
  • Simple setting and unexpectedly good food.
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20 Mule Expresso Cafe

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Name: B.C.
Message: Simple setting and unexpectedly good food. We stopped again on the way home!
Name: T.O.
Message: Nice place to stop and eat if you are traveling through the desert. Good food and good service. Good prices too.
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